About Us
The CA Foster Youth Education Task Force is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for foster youth in California by bringing together subject matter experts representing more than 200 organizations and agencies to engage in cross-systems collaboration.

Our Story
The California Foster Youth Education Task Force (CFYETF) was created in 2004 to address critical issues related to foster youth education. Subject matter experts representing more than 35 organizations and agencies, including the CDSS and DOE, Casey Family Programs, the California Youth Connection, and the Child & Family Policy Institute of California came together to bring greater attention to improving the disparate educational outcomes for students in foster care and increased information-sharing across systems at the state and local levels.
The purpose of the Task Force is to support successful educational outcomes for California's students in foster care by increasing awareness of the student's educational needs, promoting best and promising practices, and promoting policy improvements and reforms across educational, child welfare, and juvenile and family court systems.
Our goals include educational stability for students in foster care, seamless education transitions in the event of school changes, high quality educational experiences and successful transition to post-secondary education and/or career technical education.
Our Chairs
The Task Force has three co-chairs, as agreed upon by the membership of the CFYETF. Our chairs provide leadership by planning and facilitating monthly meetings, coordinating with related efforts and encouraging member participation and engagement.